Communion distribution

St. Joseph Parishioners, beginning this Sunday, and continuing until Masses resume, we will be distributing Holy Communion on Sunday mornings from 8:00am—8:45am in front of the Parish Hall. Please approach the church on Fifth Street from the east with your car facing west, park on both sides of Fifth Street and wait for your turn to pull forward, remain in your vehicle, roll down your window and we will distribute Holy Communion through the window. Please make this as reverent as possible by turning the radio off and not talking during the time of distribution. While you are waiting for your turn to receive Communion, please prepare yourself spiritually by praying the Act of Contrition and Our Father prior to receiving. Once Communion has been distributed to everyone in the vehicle, please exit the parking area and enter the roadway safely. Please note that you are to remain in your vehicle at all times. We are also please to announce that the Bishops of Illinois and the Governor have reached an agreement for a Multi-Phased opening of churches hopefully full opening by the end of the month, more information will follow.